
Showing posts from January, 2021

Why Electric Two-Wheelers Are Worth Considering As A New Year Resolution

We have entered into 2021 and are you still thinking of what resolution to make?  Most of us in excitement make a resolution that is actually impossible to achieve. But don’t you worry now, as there is one resolution that you can carry out successfully. Plus, everyone including the environment will praise you for that.  So excited to know the resolution? Start Using Electric Vehicles!  Yup, you read that right. Using an electric bike for a day to day commute can not only save you a lot of money but will also save the environment.  Now, are you wondering how riding an electric two-wheeler in India is worth considering as a resolution? Then there are two benefits for it: Economical and Ecological.  Economical in the sense that it will save you a lot of money that would have been wasted on petrol and maintenance of a fuel-driven vehicle. For Instance, Joy E-Bike, one of the best electric bike manufacturers in India , has developed the model of Monster which has a...